Is it sad to explore fonts on a Friday night? The answer to that question is clearly and unequivocally, “yes.”
But then, that’s what makes me a proud designer. It’s important to know who you are and to do what you love. I am a designer and I love typography.
When I take a vacation, I will return from my journey with stories of signage. The Deco fonts of Miami. The clever signage of Montreal. The neon of L.A. The shape of the letter A as it meets the letter E. The curve of the lowercase m. These are fun things for me. And they do matter. When you become a design geek, and you learn about the secrets of type in the world around you, it shines a light on the mystery of this society. No longer does a clothing brand lure you in with style and hipness. Rather, it becomes a breakdown of Helvetica or Futura. The mystique is gone but the real fun begins as I break down the puzzle, piece by piece. It sounds boring because it is. But again, that’s what makes me a proud designer.